Some of you may have heard of the recent heroics of Eddie Peoples, who recently foiled a bank robbery. Eddie is also a Sergeant in the U.S. Army and has served several tours in war zones overseas. Watch this
story of his heroics. Do you think he is a hero? Would you have done the same things he did, including chasing the bank robber? Or would you have done something else?
The man is a hero for saving the bank's money and possibly lives. If I was in the same situation, I would not stand up to the robber or chase him. I would've probably stayed where I was and wait for help.
Lauren...This man is definitely a hero! He saved people's lives and their financial belongings. He is also a very brave individual! I would not be able to stand up to a robber. Instead of chasing him, I would rather call for help and serve as a witness. It takes a special type of person to do something so outrageous and brave.
Madi.. I think the man is a hero for basically saving all the banks money. I don't think I would have been that brave to do something like that. He saved a lot of peoples lives too.
Jamie says…
I personally think this guy is a hero. Many people would be scared if someone should a gun to their face. He wasn’t he went after him anyway.
Tee: I think that he is a hero. I probably would have been too chicken to chase down the robber. However, I would have done anything to protect my children though.
I think Eddie is a hero. He put his life on teh line to save his kids. He even chased ofter the bank robber.
Matt: I would definitely call him a hero. Anyone who is willing to put his own life in danger to protect two children is easily deserving of the title. Also, going out of the way to stop the man makes him even more deserving of the title.
LaKendra... I do think that he is a very brave hero. Not everyone would have done that. Most people would not have even known what to do. I'm sure that his experience led him to not fear the robber and do what he had to do.
Chris says… I think if I was in a bank and it was being robbed i think it would be kind of scary. I think I would have acted the same as Eddie did. That includes chasing him down and stopping his get away car.
Sheron…I think he was in that situation I think I would have more concerned with being shot but if I had that much experience I most likely would have done the same.
Robbie says.. I think hes pretty brave. It was some good thinking to of him to put the chairs around the kids. Also when he went after the man was brave to.
Kristin says... He is definitely a hero! I would never have been brave enough to go after a man with a gun. I would have called for help, but I wouldn't have gone after him.
Ashley says... This man is a hero!! To stand up to the robber is courage because a lot of people would never do that. He is a great man for protecting those children. It sad how this world is and a robber would harm the children. Army people are very trained and know what to do at these times. If I was ever in a place with a robbery I would protect the children like he did. I'm glad he stopped him and the police got him. Hes done great to serve his community!! He was very brave!
Jonathan says... That man is a hero. I would've done the same thing if he pointed the gun at my children except he wouldn't of walked back out the door.
I think he is a herow because there not many men who would have even tryed to do what he did. He saved his two children and then he stoped the robber when many people would have just left it alone. If it was me chances are i would have been to scared to do anything because i have never been near a gun before. To me that man is a SuperHero
Now that's how it's done. That guy knew exactly what he was doing. It's about time someone did something like this. I definitely admire this guy. He did what he was supposed to do.
Gavin Dale
Eddy is a monster. He deserves a gold medal for his doings. He is a hero for being courageous, and putting his life in front of both his children and protecting them. I don't know if I would chase the bank robber, but if I had children I would have protected them as he did.
Yes, I think he is a hero. He is definitely very brave to go after this man with a gun. I would not be able to go after a man with a gun. That's really scary. I probably would have called 911 or something.
Curneshia Waters,
I wouldn't really say that he was a hero because he knew how to handle the situation. If I was in a situation like that and was like Eddie yes. But by me being who I am no I would have not did that.
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