Thursday, June 2, 2011

A "Good Kid's" High

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Have you ever heard of the "choking game"? Do you know of anyone that's tried it? Why do you think teens participate in something so risky? Do you think stories like this will prevent some teens from putting their life on the line to get high?


Roland Downing said...

Playing the "choking game" or participating in an activity that can easily kill you is stupid. People who participate in risky activities are looking for a high or thrill, and the consequences are usually not worth it. That is very easy for me to say. No, I am not aware of anyone who has played it. I think that stories like this can prevent some teens from risking their lives to get high. However, it is not a guarantee.

Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

I've heard of the choking game in middle school but I wasn't aware that kids still do it. I think teens participate in this game to seem cool or to attempt to get a high. If the news promotes the dangers of these games, the kids may stop participating.

Anonymous said...

Jamie says…
I think playing something that can easily kill you is stupid. Teens probably do these things to get friends or seem cool. I don’t think these stories will prevent teens from getting high.

Anonymous said...

Lauren...I have never heard of the choking game. I think that the whole idea is extremely stupid because you could die so easily. Teens participate in these activities to seem cool or because of peer pressure. Instead of getting high, these teens choose to participate in the choking game. However, I do not think that this story will prevent teens from putting their life on the line to get high. Many people have died from drugs and alcohol but people still do it.

Anonymous said...

Robbie says.. I dont see why kids would wanna do that just to get high. That is really stupid to choke yourself to get high. If you wanna get a high get it off the things you like to do in life.

Anonymous said...

Tee- I don't know anyone who's tried the choking game because I don't associate myself with stupid people. I think teens do it because they are obviously idiots who're trying to be cool or have serious emotional problems. I don't think stories about people dying will stop them at all; if they're stupid enough to choke themselves already, I don't think their intelligence can go much lower.

Anonymous said...

Matt: This is by far the stupidest form of getting high I've ever heard of. If one truly feels such a need to get high that they would go to such lengths to do so, then they should just buy a drug of some sort. That way, they just have the CHANCE of dying, rather than the promise of it.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan says... Whoever thought of this whenever or wherever is stupid. Why would you choke yourself just to get high. If you wanna get high so bad get some money an go buy some marijuana.

Anonymous said...

Chris says… No I have never heard of the choking game it sounds really stupid. I think that teens do this cause they probably hate there life and want to kill themselves. To be honest I really don’t care if it puts there life’s in danger.

Anonymous said...

Sheron says…I’ve had friends at school try this, the only reason to do this would probably be that the person desperately needed a high and was willing to do anything for it, but to choke yourself partially killing yourself definitely isn’t the way. It reminds me of the air duster people used for the same reason.

Anonymous said...

Ashley says... Kids are being stupid. That game is probably not fun and it can kill you quickly. People who are doing it must not be thinking. It's crazy!!!! A kid makes their own choices but theirs really no warning signs to what they are doing at all. I don't anyone who has done that and the kids who are must have some condition or don't like their life. I just think it's dumb to try to take away your life to a poinless game. In the games you all win cause you can all die. That game is not right and I hope people stop!

Thomas said...

This is ridiculous. No matter what, it is life endangering. Either way, whether it is this or an actual substance, you are harming your life.

Anonymous said...

LaKendra... I have heard of this game before,but I had no idea that it was still this popular. I first found out about this game when I was in middle school and have not heard anything else about it until now. Some of my friends actually have been apart of playing this game. At the time I was not aware of how serious it was and how harmful it could actually be. Now that I understand how it works I hope that my friends or people that I am around don't continue to do it. Hopefully by people sharing their stories and how this can harm and kill you, it will stop some teens from doing it. To me its just another stupid thing that kids these day are getting themselves into, that needs to stop!

Anonymous said...

Destiny saids...Its always something going around in high school. If it not gossip than something else not I can care less about. The choking game is stupid but if the person what to put their own life in danger and you are there and you said what you had to say them. Let them do it.And lets see if they do it again .I won't do it.

Anonymous said...

Kristin says... I have heard of the choking game, and I know a few people who have tried it. The people I know who have done it started because of a friend who does it. After they tried it they liked the high and continued playing trying to get the same high they got the first time. I don't think stories like this will prevent teens from playing the choking game. Most teens think that they're invincible. They don't think that anything bad can happen to them.

Anonymous said...

Davontae said... I think its really stupid to choke your slef.That game is not right and I hope that that get through to people because thats not the way to go.

Anonymous said...

I have heard of the chocking game. It is actually pretty fun...I'm kidding. This game is dangerous. This will not stop because of stupid teens. This is unbelieveable.

Michael Clifford

Anonymous said...

Wow... That's really all I have to say to that. I blame the government. Illegalizing drugs will obviously not stop people from doing them. This proves my point.
Gavin Dale

brittneyhendrix1993 said...

I have never heard of the choking game. I have never heard of anyone even trying it. I think teens do that to get away from stufe and to have fun being stupid. However i dont think this story will do anything because teenagers will do what they want.

Jake The Snake said...

I never heard of the chocking game, and I never heard of anyone who has ever done it. Teens just do crazy things and will try anything. I think this wont prevent kids from getting high. A lot of kids jsut do it just because they can, and I don't think anything can stop them but their parents.

Holly said...

This is so crazy. I have not heard of the choking game. I don't know anyone who has tried it. I think teens do these things for the high or because their friends are doing it. I don't think this will prevent teens from doing this. Teens are going to do whatever they want and nobody can tell them otherwise. I think doing things like this is STUPID!

Anonymous said...

Jalissa Chambliss
I never played the choking game before and i don't play on doing it. I think mostly White people do things like that, because you will not catch a black person doing that. Yes i honestly do think that this video is helpful for the psychos who actually want to do it, or thinking bout it.

Anonymous said...

Curneshia Waters,
No, I have never heard about the choking game. No, I don't know of any who have tried this. I think teens participate in things like this because they don't want anyone to look at them as a punk or chicken. Yes, I think it will prevent people from putting their life at higher risk.