SGA elections are Thursday. Instead of an assembly, where the candidates present their speeches, those speeches have been recorded and uploaded to YouTube. Undoubtedly, you will be seeing this
video many times over the next several days. What do you think of it? Compared to an assembly, is this a better way of presenting the candidates? When will viewing it get old and boring? Do you have a particular favorite candidate? Teachers can not vote. However, I think that they are all good candidates and will do a great job with SGA!
This method of presenting the candidates is much faster than an assembly. In an assembly, you may forget what the candidates say but the teachers in school will show this video several times so no one forgets. However, I think this video will get old after a while.
Sheron says…I think the videos are already old but I’d rather watch that than sit in an auditorium. I also think it’s a much quicker and simple way to do it so why not.
Tee: I think it is a pretty good advertisement. It is pretty much equal to an assembly with presenting candidates, but this can be played over and over, which is better. I think all the candidates are good.
I think that this is much faster and much more efficient. However, the video itself is lackluster. If they could make the video a little more flashy, it could have more entertainment value than an assembly.
Matt: This is a much more efficient method of doing the election. No one has to leave class, and it can be done at the viewers leisure. I think that they should continue to use this method.
Lauren...I think that this process is much easier. The assembly takes so much time to complete. The assembly is also much longer and boring. I cannot pay attention that long to concentrate on their speeches. My favorite candidate would be Nick Powell. I think that all of the candidates are great.
Jamie says…
I like the idea of doing a video but I also feel like they should have an assembly too. All of the candidates running are great people and would support Windsor in every way possible. Whoever wins will be great.
I think this is faster. Doing a whole assembly on it juat takes too much time.
Madi... I like this method of presenting candidates over youtube is a much quicker way then having an assembly. You can always go back to look at the video if you forget what one of the candidates says. I didn't particularly have a favorite, it will be a tough choice.
Robbie says.. I think the people runing are very good at what their running for. It dont matter to me who wins as long as its the right person. I would vote for Nick because I think he would beable to speak better on behalf of the school.
Chris says...I don’t really care for it and I have seen it in all of my classes. I hope whoever gets elected does good.
Kristin says... I like having an assembly more than the video. I think that by giving an assembly it makes the candidates take their speeches more seriously. After watching the video once I wouldn't want to watch it again.
Ashley says... I think recording the speeches is so much faster than having assembly. To have an assembly you have to call everyone in and people won't be quiet, and the candidates can get nervous. It's easier to express yourself. Showing the video will get old but for now there trying to do that so you will think about it! They are very good candidates and its going to be a hard choice to choose! Who ever wins will be great!
LaKendra.. I think that recording the speeches was a good idea for trying something new. However I'm sure that some students would prefer to sit in the auditorium to listen to the speeches, I know that I would. but i have not seen the videos so maybe this is a much more effective way to get votes I'm pretty sure that after the first few times of seeing the videos that they will get old. Hopefully, the teachers will not play them to much so that we won't get tired of them.
I would vote for Nick because he is a man. I am kidding. Or am I? Yeah I am kidding. I actually don't care for the elections because I am a senior.
Michael Clifford
I don't really care for the SGA. I come to school to do my work, get good grades, and go home. I don't care about anything else that happens here. While that may seem like a slacker thing to say, it is actually quite the contrary. While others waste their time figuring out who is going to pretend to be "president" I am focusing on my work... and sleeping at home.
Gavin Dale
They are all great candidates. I like having assemblies because the speeches are taken more seriously and the poeple are taken more seriously. I think after seeing it once it will get old. I don't have a particluar candidate. I think the video is a very creative way to get peoples attention.
Curneshia Waters,
I think it really creative because it was something different. Yes, I think it is better. Viewing this would get old after seening it the first time. No, I don't have a particular favorite candidate. Agree with that.
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