Monday, May 16, 2011

Sneaker Controversy

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Describe your reaction to the video. Do you think those opposed to Shape-Ups for girls are over-reacting? Why or why not? If you had a daughter, would you buy her Shape-Ups?


Sarah said...

I don't think Shape-Ups really work so parents would be over-reacting a bit. However, the idea of 7 year olds trying to get in shape is silly because they are too young to worry about losing weight.

Anonymous said...

Lauren...I do not believe that the opposed viewers are over-reacting. The commercial shows that kids should run away from the foods that they love. Our world is so focused on obesity and this only adds to the controversy. I would not buy the shoes for my own daughter. I believe that kids should get up and run around outside with their friends instead of wearing Shape-Ups.

Taylor said...

Tee: I think that the people opposed to Shape-Ups are overreacting a little bit. It's just a shoe, calm down. If I had a daughter I wouldn't buy her the shoe, but I wouldn't complain about it either. I have better things to do than complain about a shoe I don't like.

Roland Downing said...

I am not sure that Shape-Ups work for anyone. They seem to be very overblown and are only popular because of the advertising. So yes, those opposed to Shape-Ups are probably over-reacting. I would probably have bought Shape-Ups for my daughters if they were a good value and my daughters wanted to get them.

Anonymous said...

robbie says.. I think its dumb how their trying to say their to do that to kids. If kids want to wear them then let them wear them. Ive seen them in stores, their very expensive i dont see why their so expenseve. really the only thing your paying for is what the people say it does for you.

Lilli said...

I think that parents blew this issue out of portion. I don't see where the parents are getting the idea that this video is sending the wrong message. I see no wrong in it. i would buy my daughter Shape-Ups if she wanted them.

Anonymous said...

Ernie says...... I think that shape ups dont even work for helping get tone. People are just dumb and beliueve everything they hear. Kids can wear whatever kind of shoes that feel right on there feet.

Anonymous said...

Ashley says... I don't think 7 year olds need Shape Ups. They are young and don't need to worry about that stuff. They can eat healthy and and do actvities. Kids love watching cartoons network and will want to do what it is says. They are rushing little girls to grow up to fast when they don't need to. I agree with the parents. If I had a daughter I wouldn't let her wear them. I don't even know if they really work! I think it's just crazy!!

Anonymous said...

Madi... I think the people who are opposed to Shape-Ups are overreacting some. I don't think that a seven year old needs a pair of Shape-Ups for the reason they are made for. I wouldn't buy my daughter a pair of these shoes just because I think it's sending kids the wrong idea.

Anonymous said...

LaKendra... I agree with the parents in this situation. This advertisement is telling little girls that they need to tone their body in order to stay looking good. They should not be telling little girls as young as seven years old to stay away from ice cream and hot dogs in order to watch their body. Those are things that girls at that age shouldn't be worried about. It's okay to motivate kids to stay healthy but this is really not going about it in the right way. I would not even think about buying my daughter these shoes.

Anonymous said...

Chris says… I think they are really over-reacting over the Shape-ups shoe thing that is targeted to young girls; I mean it’s just a shoe. I they thing that this is a bad message for their children or for other children then don’t buy it you don’t have to make a big thing about it, really no one cares! If I had a daughter and she wanted Shape-ups then I would buy it for her it’s just a shoe.

Anonymous said...

Sheron says… I think parents are over-reacting and I think only people who allow their minds to falls into the gutter will go against this. But it has benefits as well; it could reduce obesity and increase healthy lifestyles.

Anonymous said...

Kristin says... These people are over-reacting. When I was a little girl I wanted to dress just like my mom. If I saw my mom wearing Shape-Ups I would want them to. If parents don't want their kids wearing them, then they don't have to buy them. The video just looked like it was promoting a healthy lifestyle, not a negative self-image.

Anonymous said...

Destiny saids....These people are over reacting to this kids commercial. They are put more to the commercial then the shoe. The shoe is make kids who wants to get in shape and be more activy. But no, I will not buy those shoes if a had a girl because....They don't need it....:/

Anonymous said...

Jonathan says... I think its wrong that there marketing to girls this young. But there making millions there not gonna stop. Aslong as there making money there not gonna stop.

Anonymous said...

Cadeja Says: I believe that the idea for young girls wearing Shape-Ups isn’t such a bad idea. Mom's only want what's best for their kids and if it bothers them that there are Shape-Ups for young girls then that is fine just don't buy them. Honestly I don’t believe that Shape-Ups really work but then again maybe they do but they aren’t really my style so you won’t see me wearing them. Everybody needs to stay healthy and get in shape so if Shape-Ups really do work then I believe that we should keep them around and no matter what age you are you should try them out.

Anonymous said...

Jamie says…
I think parents are over-reacting about the shape us. If they choose to let their children wear them that’s their call. If I had a daughter she wouldn’t be wearing them.

Anonymous said...

Jalissa Chambliss
To me i think it really don't matter. I mean shoes are shoes. Yes i think they just over reacting. If i had a daughter i would not buy her those because they just ugly anyways.

Jake The Snake said...

I think that they shouldn't be sending a message to little girls saying they need to be skinny and stuff. I wouldn't buy her shape-ups, because that company sets a bad example in their commercial.

Anonymous said...

Children are getting fat. Who cares if children are in shape. If children get in shape early they can kick butt later. Sexually enticing clothes are a little much. Luckily, I don't have a kid to worry about.

Michael Clifford

Unknown said...

My reaction to the video is I agree with what the lady was saying. In a way I do then in a way I don't. If I had a daughter no I would not buy shape-ups for her.

brittneyhendrix1993 said...

I understnad where the parents are comeing from because life just keeps getting harder and harder on girls. They need to feeli like they are bautiful no matter what they look like. The whole reason these shoes were made was to make you feel like you can loose weight easily. So now there making thses shoes out for little girls i understand why mothers are acting like this.

Anonymous said...

Yes, seven year olds do need to shape up, but they do not need shape-ups. If you’re fat that's your fault. Someone pointing out that you're fat is not going to make it any worse. Americans need to stop being the most sensitive freaking people in the whole world!!! You guys are worse than babies!!!
Gavin Dale

Holly said...

I think that parents are over-reacting. If parents or kids don't want the shoes, then they don't have to buy them. These days the whole world is about staying healthy and fit, so it would be away for children to stay fit. Nobody is forcing children to wear them I honestly feel they don't work. If I had a daughter and she wanted the shoes, I would buy the for her. It's just a shoe.