Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Six Pack!

Would you have thought that the guy on the cover of the Men's Health magazine was a congressman? What do you think of the congressman's abs? Do you think his picture of the cover of Men's Health is appropriate? Why or why not?


Anonymous said...

LaKendra... I think that he has a very nive body !!! This is not something that you would usually see a congressman doing. I don't think that it is exactly appropriate, and I'm sure that there are many people who do not approve of this.

Sarah said...

Its very surprising that a congressman is on the cover of the Men's Health magazine. However, this image may hurt his reputation in Congress. His fellow representatives might find this inappropriate.

Anonymous said...

Robbie Says... I dont see what is so interesting about a congres man to have abs. Hes not the only that has them. So I dont see it beeing a big deal just cause hes in congres.

Anonymous said...

Lauren...I do agree that he probably has the best abs in congress, but I do not think that the picture is very professional. I do not believe that a congressman should expose himself on magazine covers. I admire him for taking so much time to get fit and promote health. Even though it may be quite unprofessional, I do not think that it will hurt his career as a congressman in the end.

Anonymous said...

Madi... I wouldn't have thought that the guy on the cover of the Men's Health magazine was a congressman. I think that he has a really nice body!!! I don't see what the big issue is with the picture, he took the picture for a good cause.

Taylor said...

Tee: I don't think I would have thought he was a congressman. I don't have to much of an opinion on his abs. I think the picture is appropriate, America is strong and so are our politicians.

Anonymous said...

Jamie says…
It doesn’t surprise me that one of our congressmen is on the magazine. It may or may not hurt his reputation. I will give him credit though, his abs do look nice.

Lilli said...

I do think it's appropriate because he is doing it for a cause. It's his vody, he is allowed to do whatever he wants with it. And if eh chooses to show it off like he did, then that's his decision.

Anonymous said...

Ernie says.... I wasnt shocked to find out this man was a congressman. I mean everybody has a nice body under there clothes. Im sure more poeple in congress have abs they just dont show them off like him.

Anonymous said...

Kristin says... I would never have guessed that he was a congressman looking at that picture. I think his picture is appropriate. It's for a good cause!

Matt said...

Matt: He's a person. What he does with himself is his own buisness. Sure, it is a bit unorthodox, but he may still do whatever he likes.

Anonymous said...

Sheron says…I definitely wouldn’t think he’s a congressman. I would have to say it is appropriate because he’s promoting men’s health not promoting sales in the pornography industry.

Roland Downing said...

I would not have thought that the picture would have belonged to a congressman. I usually think of congress men and women as being much older. Congratulations to the congressman for being in such great shape and willing to take a stand to fight obesity. Since he is promoting a good cause his picture is appropriate. But I do wonder why CNN covered it as news event.

Anonymous said...

Ashley says... I think the congressman has great abs. He has a great body. I wouldn't think a congressman would go on a cover magazine. People who see congressman wouldn't think they would ever do that. He is doing it for a good cause. He's staying in shape and staying healthy. H's going to catch a lot of eye from people so I hope he knows what he is doing. Some people in office will agree with it and other's will be against it. It's his life and choice and for a health cover I think its fine!

Anonymous said...

Chris says… I think if I would have picked that magazine up and looked at him I don’t think he was a congress man. I don’t think it is appropriate but if that’s what you have to do to stop child obesity then so be it.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan says... No I wouldn't have thought it was him. It could hurt his career or it could help it. To me it doesn't matter if it helps him or not honestly.

Anonymous said...

U would never think that he was a congressman just by looking at his picture.I anit made at hem congressman got to have abs to and it could be for a good cause.

Anonymous said...

Destiny saids....I am a girl so u know what I am going to say....OMG his body is H-O-T HOT!!!!!!Beside all that he really does has a nice body for a Congress Man. Its good that he is doing his part in staying fit.

Anonymous said...

Jalissa Chambliss
That is a big suprize because he doesn't loook like he have a body at all.I think that his abs are sexy. I do think that this is a good cover jsut because he is just sexy.

Jake The Snake said...

I wouldn't have thought that guy on the cover of Men's magazine was a congressman. I think they're pretty cool? I don't judge guy's bodies. I don't have an opinion on if it's appropriate or not.

Anonymous said...

Why would you subject the men in your class to this video? WHY!?!?! I don't think this is inappropriate, but I would rather not have to blog about it. I don't care about his abs, and never will. Politics = Pointlessness.
Gavin Dale

Holly said...

I would have not thought that this was a congressman. I don't think that it's inappropriate, it's for a good cause.

brittneyhendrix1993 said...

No i would never have thought he was a congress man because they don't look good or have a hot six pack :D. I think the picture was appropriate because all it showed was his abs and theres nothing wrong with that.