Captain Jack Sparrow is back! Time for a new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Let's
watch the trailer. The summer movie releases seem to be popping up all over. Between Pirates of the Caribbean, Kung Fu Panda 2 and other movies, there seem to be many good choices in the theaters this summer. Which movie is your first choice to view? Is there one movie you just can't wait to see? Or, will you avoid the theaters altogether and spend your entertainment dollars elsewhere?
The new pirates movie looks pretty good but I usually wait till movies come to DVD. One movie that I will see in theaters is the Hangover 2. All the new summer movies look like good ones compared to the past summer movies.
Tee: I actually saw Pirates of the Caribbean 4 yesterday and loved it! The movie I want to see most this summer is the final Harry Potter movie, I CAN'T WAIT! I love the movies and go there all the time, so there go my paychecks!
We went to go see pirates last night. It was an okay movie, but the character of Jack Sparrow seems tacked onto the plot as a whole. But as a fourth movie, it was better than average.
Sheron says…I’m going to go see the hangover part 2 this weekend and a summer movie would probably have to be transformers 3 or any good action movie that comes to theaters.
Madi...I am going to see the hangover 2 tomorrow night. I loved the first movie and i'm really excited about seeing the second one! As of right now I don't have any other movies that i'm dying to see. I love going to see movies in the theaters when they first come out!
Jamie says…
I am not interested in pirates. Therefore I wouldn’t go see any of the new pirate movies. I would rather spend my movie on a different movie.
Lauren...I love to go to the movies! The new Pirates of the Carribean movie looks like it will be pretty good. However, I would much rather watch a comedy. Pirate movies are not that good to me. My number one movie to see is Kung Fu Panda 2. I think that it is going to be hilarious! I will definitely spend my money at the movie theater this summer.
LaKendra... The movie that I am most excited to see is the Hangover 2 ! The first one was really good and I hope that the second one is even better. I'm not in to much of a hurry to go see Pirates Of The Caribbean, but I'm sure that it will be pretty good because I enjoyed the previous ones.
Kristin says... I will more than likely wait until the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie comes out to see it. I really want to see The Hangover Part 2. This summer I will probably be at the theater a lot. I love going to see movies!
Jonathan says... I like the Pirate's of The Caribbean movies. Ever since the first one came out I've seen them all. Johnny Depp does a really good job.
Chris I have never seen the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie but I have heard that it is really good. I think I would like to see this movie because it looks very interesting. Another movie I would like to see is the Hangover part 2.
Ashley says... I love watching movies!!! The pirate 4 movie looks really good. I just saw the whole series of them. The play that the Drama did makes me want to go see it. It looks like it will be better than the other ones. I'm lookig forward to the Harry Potter movie, Transformers 3, and the Monte Carlo. Those all look like good movies!! Summer movie Time! It's a good year in movies!
Robbie Says.. I love those movies. I havent seen it yet but i want to go see it. Im gonna see if my mom will take to see it.
Destiny saids.....I love Jonny Depp and Jack Black. To me I think Jonny Depp has the upper hand for the adults and for Jack Black the kids. But to me I want to see them both.
Davonate said... Like Jake Black he played good role in Kung Fu Panda. I wound like to see Kung Fu Panda 2.
Jalissa Chambliss
I don't really do movies like that. I think they are childish. I can care less if the movie play or not. Either way i would not be watching it.
I don't really go out that much. I usually just wait for the movies to come out on DVD, or wait even more for them to come out on TV. Movies don't excite me that much to begin with. Yes, I do enjoy movies, but I prefer interactive things. Guitar, soccer, and video games are pretty much the only things I do.
Gavin Dale
I'd rather see Pirates of the Caribbean. I've nver seen the first Kung Fu Panda, so I have no interest seeing the second one. I've seen all the pirates of the caribbean movies though. They were all pretty interesting.
I actually saw Pirates last weekend, it was pretty good. It just wasn't the same without Orlando Bloom and Kiera Knightly. The movie I will most likey see is The Hangover 2!! The first one was so funny and i can't wait for this one. I think I will be going to see alot of movies this summer, I love movies!!!! :):)
Not Gonna say but bootleg. I get them for cheap. Now that is off the record. I don't see movies till they are on dvd. It is cheaper.
Michael Clifford
My favorite movie to view would be Kung Fu Panda 2. I wouldn't say there is a movie that I just can't wait to see because im not really into tv. I would go to the movies if there is something there I want to see but other than that yes I would spend my money somewhere else.
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