Remember Jared Loughner? He is the shooter, accused of killing 6 people and injuring many others during Congresswoman Giffords' rally in January. Will he make it to trial? This week a decision will be made to determine if he is mentally competent to stand trial. This
video explains how that decision affects his chances of standing trial. Do you agree that a decision like this is fair to him? Is it fair to the victims? If he truly is mentally ill, what should be done for him? Should there be more or less gun control laws in this country?
If the man is mentally ill, he should still face jail time. He could be placed in a psychiatric ward and put under close watch. He should not be released, it would be unfair to the victims. I think gun control laws should be more strict as far as hand guns being available to certain people.
Lauren...This will be a hard decision to make. If the killer is said to be mentally unfit I am not sure what the decision may be. However, I do not feel like this trial will be significantly fair. It is not fair for him to not have punishment for killing 6 people and wounding many others. I do not believe that more gun control laws would help. Guns are still available and people are going to do what they want.
Tee- He looks pretty insane, I don't think he'll make it to trail. I don't think that this decision is really fair to anyone involved. If he is truly ill, he must be kept away from the public. I think the gun laws are pretty much fine how they are.
Robbie Says.. I dont think he should get another chance. He shot a very important ladies husband. I beleive they should just send him to jail.
i don't think that its fair for him. I find it dumb that if he's stable enough to shot 6 people, then he should be stable enough to stand trial and go to jail. I don't think there should be more gun control laws, I just think people should make the righ chioce to buy one or not.
Jonathan says... I don't care if he's insane or what he needs to go to jail. I guarantee you he's faking being insane. There is no reason why they should let him off.
Jamie says…
I don’t think he will make the trail. If he can’t make the trail then his punishment is fair. If he is truly ill they should try to help then put him in prison. There should be more gun control laws.
Chris says I don’t know why this is still going on I mean he killed six people I don’t know why he hasn’t been on trail yet. If I was responsible for this I would have just put him to death cause if you kill someone you should be killed. I don’t think he is ill he probably planned the whole thing.
LaKendra... I think that he should be put into a mental hospital if he really is mentally ill. He still needs to have jail time. This would be unfair to the victims of this crime if he was released.
Madi.. I don't care if he is mentally ill or not, if he did it he should face jail time. People know right from wrong. I think there should be more gun control laws in the country.
Ashley says... I was watching the news and CNN when the shooting happen. I feel bad for all the families who lost love one a freinds. People said Jared was a good guy but then started to depart from his friends and do his own thing. It almost seems like one of those things where you shoot everybody and then yourself but he wasn't able to do that. I think going after the congress woman is horrible and wrong and I'm glad she's okay. He was gojng to get her and she survived. Its a mircale shes alive and security should get better at these events. He might be faking the illness so he won't get the death sentence but you never know. The doctor will decide!
Sheron says…I think he planned the whole thing and he’s not mentally ill just procrastinating so he won’t be put on trial. I think he should be automatically executed for the killings.
Kristin says... It would be unfair to the victims and their families if he doesn't stand trial. If he isn't mentally competent then someone should have noticed he had an illness before the shooting. If he truly is mentally ill he should be locked away forever!
Cadeja Says: To be honest, I have never heard of this guy before. I believe that if he does turn out to truly be mentally ill then he won’t make it to trail. I believe that anyone who murders someone should be punished. Rather they are mentally ill or not. If he does turn out to really be mentally ill then they should just keep him in the prison hospital because that would probably be the best place for him right now and in the future. There should definitely be more laws on gun control in this country and all around the world.
Ernie says.. I believe that this would be a really hard decision to make. This man should get what he deserves. Noone should be not punished for something like that.
Davontae said... "Why" would somebody sell a stable person a gun. The gun law is fine how it is now. I don't think that its fair for him because I don't think he woke up and decised to kill 6 people.
If he is mentally ill that shouldn't matter. He knowingly shot that crowd he is no insane. He himself should be shot.You have to be sane to be crazy. Today being crazy doesn't mean much.
Michael Clifford
Yes, I do think it is fair to him. I don't see why it wouldn't be fair to the victims because its not like he's getting out. I think he should stay in there because they must have some proof that he was the one to do it. I think it should be alot more gun control in this country.
If a person who is mentally challenged or insane kills someone why do they get different treatment? I thought the constitution applied to all citizens of this country, so why is it that people like this are claiming to be insane to get away with murder? This court system must ne freaking retarded to let someone like that go almost free just because they CLAIM insanity. ALL ARE EQUAL UNDER THE LAW!!!! And that's regardless to race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. So why not Mental retardation and insanity? Homocide is homocide regardless of your mental state!!!!
Gavin Dale
I think the guy is truly crazy. I think he should be sentenced for life in prison or given the death penalty. There shouldn't be any more gun control laws; it's just bad enough that people are abusing them.
I think he should have a trial, it would only be fair. I don't think it matters if he is mentally challenged, he should have known right from wrong. He should be locked away for the rest of his life. There shold be more gun control laws, because there are so many immature people using guns that are abusing this power that we have.
Anyone who is mentally ill should still face that same case rules as anyother person. even if he is crazy he should still syffer the consequenses. He needs to pay for what he did he hurt and killed people he should suffer baddly more f he should get the death penelty if he is apprently that crazy.
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