Imagine trying to get a stranger to take your family's picture while you are on vacation. Then you discover that the photographer is your half brother! Watch this story.
How would you react to finding this out? Would you be curious to know what his or her life had been like? If it turns out to be better than yours, would you be upset? Would you even want to know that you had a half brother or half sister?
This would be an odd situation to be in. It'd be pretty cool to discover that you had another sibling but I wouldn't be upset if they had a better life than mine. It might be important to find all your family but I would be okay with not knowing.
Robbie says... I think it cool how they found out they were related just by saying a few peoples names that they new. Its also funny how a random guy says "Ill take your picture". But its a good thing they finaly found eachother.
Matt: I don't know what I'd do to be quite honest. I've never experienced an experience like this, so I have no Idea how I'd react. I guess I would talk to him as though he were a relative that I had never met before, but the sheer coincidence would be enough to make me very interested in getting to know them.
Tee: I would be completely astonished. I would like to know what his life was like and wouldn't mind if it were better than mine. I would rather know about my half brother than not know.
Jonathan says... I would wanna know. They would be my blood my family I would wanna know. I could care less if they were rich or what not if they had a better life then me none of that matters all that matters is my half brother or half sister.
Lauren...I think that this situation would be quite strange. I would not be able to completely accept my half sibling right away. It would mainly be strange because they would have not known each other for such a long period of time. I would want to know everything about their life. It would take some time to get to know each other but eventually it would be nice to connect on a more personal level.
That is kind of strange, but if you think about it, it makes sense that this happened at least once. There are millions of people living in the United States, and Hawaii is generally acknowledged as a vacation hot spot, with lots of visitors from every other state. Even so, it would be weird to be the one this happens to.
Ashley says... I think it's awkward when you ask someone to take your picture. I guess if your shy it is. I would be shocked. I wouldn't think a stranger that takes a picture of the family is part of the family. Most people would just take the picture and to leave. It must have been fate for them to find each other. It's good because now they get can learn and know more about each other. The family has came together and it's great that could ever happen. It's good to find someone to help with your life style. The brother was in foster care and the other one had a great life but now they can help each other and replaces all bad memories into new great ones!
LaKendra... I would be completely shocked if I found my long lost half brother accidently while on vaction. I actually have a half brother and just thinking about not knowing him and then finding him while on vacation is amazing to me. If I knew that I had a sibbling that I had never met I would want to find a way to contact them and meet them. Of corse I would want to find out about them and how thier life has been. It wouold not upset me if thier life had been better than mines I would just be happy to have finally seen them.
Jamie says…
If I found out that I had a half brother or sister I have no clue how I would react. I would be very curious of how there life was, but if it was better than mine I probably wouldn’t be upset.
Sheron says…If I was to be put in that situation I would be shocked and I would most likely want to know about his or her life.
Kristin says... It would be very shocking if this ever happened to me, but I would definitely want to know if I had a half brother or sister. I would want to know everything about their life and all that I had missed. If they had a better life than me I wouldn't be upset at all. I would just want to build a relationship with him or her.
Ernie sayss............. That would be kinda hard to believe that they met like that. But like everybody says, God works in mysterious ways. I would feel really good to finally meet my half borther. I would make sure to make the time up that I missed with my half brother.
DesTiny saids... Wow if I had went through the samething that they went through I would be in shock, amazed, emotion. In other words I wouldn't know what to say. I would be happy to know that I had a half brother or sister to care and love for. n_n
I would be surprised. I would like to know where they've been all my life. If it was better than mine, I wouldn't be upset. Yeah, I would like to know if I had a half brother or sister.
Jalissa Chambliss
If i was in this situation i would be very shocked. I would want to know why out of all people why would he want to take my picture. How did he find them there. If this was to happen to me, i would not be upset, it would be a blessing to me if i found someone that i never knew about and they are my family. I would love to know if i got a half brother or sister out there some where, that would be wonderful.
I would have been shocked but really happy knowing that i found my half brother/sister. I would want to kow everything about them because i would have been suprised. I would not be upset if they had a better life then me i may be a little jelouse but not upset. I feel like frends and family is real important and if i had family some where on this earth then i would want to know.
This is kind of boring... Why is this on international news? People must be mentally challenged in this country or something. I have a half sister who's legally blind. But I think she's secretly evil and not really blind... I've never seen her before, but I've spoken to her several times over the phone.
Gavin Dale
I would be very shocked. I would wan to know what his or her life would be like. I wouldn't be upsetif it was better than mine, that would mean that he was living his life to the fullest. I think I would want to know if I had a half brother or sister, I think it would be cool.
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