Do you watch college basketball? Have you filled out a bracket for this year's NCAA tournament? If so, who are your picks for the Final Four? Who do you think will go all the way? If you don't watch college basketball, even during March Madness, what is your favorite sport and why?
I don't watch basketball. I prefer watching football because it seems like more of a contact sport.
Madi says... I don't watch college basketball. So that means I didn't make a bracket for this year's NCAA tournament. My step dad watches basketball all the time so I will cheer for the teams he cheers for. My favorite sport to watch is volleyball, I love Penn States volleyball team.
Lauren says...I only watch college basketball sometimes. When my Dad has it on I am interested. However, I do not have my picks for the Final Four. My favorite sport to watch on television is volleyball. Volleyball is a very intense sport to watch. There is always something happening and it holds my attention because I actually know all of the rules of the game.
Sheron says… I don’t watch college basketball or NBA. The sport I like the most during March madness would probably be baseball. I like baseball more around this time because of the season change.
LaKendra... Basketball is my favorite sport but I don't really watch college basketball. I like basketball because it is one of the few sports that I can watch and actually understand without being bored.
Matt: I don't watch college basketball. Not at all. In fact, the only basketball team I really know anything about is the Boston Celtics, and I don't even know if they're a college team or part of the NBA. So my input on this topic would be useless.
Ashley says... I don't watch basketball. I can watch it sometimes for school but I don't really watch it on tv. I like to play and watch softball. I watch college softball on tv. I also like to watch football. Football is a sport I can sit through the game and watch. I like almost any sport but some sports are my favorite to watch on tv.
Jamie says..
I’m not a huge fan of basketball but my favorite college basketball team is UNC. It will not bother me who wins. I’m more of a football fan, because of the contact. Basketball doesn’t really seem to keep my attention as much.
Tee- I actually don't watch basketball at all. I have no clue who will go to the Final Four. In regards to other sports, I don't really have a favorite, as I watch sports very, very little.
Chris says… Yes I do watch college basketball, especially during March Madness. I already have filled out my bracket for this year’s final four, I have Duke, Ohio State, Kansas, and Florida. I picked Duke to win it all cause there my favorite team and I think they have the best chance at winning it all again.
Ernie says.... I do watch college basketball. I have filled out a bracket for this years tournament. However I do not care who wins because Virginia Tech did not get invited to the big dance this year!
Downing says... While I am a big college hoops fan, I did not fill out a bracket this year. My Yellow Jackets are staying home this year, so I will be pulling for ODU. They will have their hands full with Butler today, and it should be a good game. My final four picks: UNC, Duke, Pitt and Kansas.
Destiny saids...No I don't watch college basketball or the NBA. But I do play it and I also play football.
Cadeja says: Yes, I watch college basketball but I watch the women’s games more than the men’s. I have no idea honestly of who my picks would be for the Final Four. My favorite sport is basketball, but, I love playing it more rather than watching it because I have a love and a passion for the game and I hope to go to ODU and play basketball their after high school.
Robbie says... I watch it sometimes when I'm really bored with nuthing else to do. I watched the game with UNC and DUKE but otehr than that I dont really watch it. I dont really care who wins it I just hope they have fun doing it.
I am not really a fan of any sport. Or at least, I do not enjoy watching sports. I feel that sports such as basketball, baseball, and football are much more enjoyable when played, and that if everyone in the U.S. simply played their sport, this would be a healthier nation.
Davontae said...
I don't watch basketball games. I'ts not enough action. I am a football player. I love playing it and watching it ever day. I also watch old NFL games.
I don't really watch college basketball. I haven't filled out a bracket yet. I think Virginia Tech should win. I like basketball. My favorite nba team is the lakers.
I do not care about March Madness. Basketball is definitely my least favorite sport. I love rugby because it is football with no pads. For the Final Four in the women’s division I want CNU to win. I want CNU to win because I am going to CNU.
Michael Clifford
Yes, I love to watch college basketball. No, I haven't filled out the brackets for this year's tournament. I think that either UNC or Virginia Tech should win, their my favorite teams. I loved it when Tech beat Duke. Then UNC beat them, I was so happy. :)
Jalissa Chambliss
I watch basket ball a lot with my father. This year i want the Lakers to go all the way. My favorite sport is volleyball. I can watch volleyball like all day.
I’m not particularly a fan of basketball… or football… or baseball… I’m not a fan of any American sport really. Obviously that means that I don’t fill any “brackets”, though I’m not quite sure what that is. Thusly, I do not care about who’s in the final four. My favorite sport is the real football. You know the one where you actually use your foot? Yeah that one, and mostly because it’s all out. There are no stops every five seconds in real football.
Gavin Dale
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