I am "Mommy" to a very sweet 2-year-old, Braydon. When a student showed me this YouTube video, I just had to make it one of our blogs!
Have you ever watched America's Funniest Home Videos? What was your favorite video clip and why? It seemed obvious that some of these home videos were planned. Do you think planned videos are as funny? And should they be allowed on America's Funniest Home Videos? What is the funniest thing you have heard a child say or do (this can include you!)?
Downing said... I have watched more episodes of America's Funniest Home Videos than I care to admit. My favorites are the jet ski and snow mobile wipe outs. Planned videos should not be allowed on the show, but what can you do about it?
The funniest thing I have seen a child do is watching my grandson on skype laugh at the weird faces I make!
I think that almost all of these videos were planned, however, many of them were still funny. This didn't seem to be normal America's Funniest Home Videos, or if it is they have switched the announcer since i have last seen it. Although these videos are funny, eight minutes of pure baby is a little over the top.
Matt: I haven't really seen all that many episodes of this show. I actually haven't been able to watch tv in some time due to the fact that my satellite has been out for quite some time. However, the ones that I have seen aren't that bad at all.
Robbie says... I think that is really funny. Babies are funny to watch when their awake. I love watching my baby cousin play around hes so cute.
Lauren...I love to watch America's Funniest Home Videos! My favorite video was when the baby dropped the weight. It looked rather painful but it was still funny to watch. I do think that planned videos are entertaining. I do believe that they should be allowed on the show because the whole point is to make people laugh.
Tee- I do watch AFV all the time with my family. I liked the clip where the baby was being spun around on the chair the best! I think some of the videos may be planned, but are still pretty funny. . . I think the funniest baby video I've ever seen is the "Charlie bit me" video.
Madi says.. I watch America's Funniest Home Videos sometimes, and it's pretty funny. I don't like the videos that are planned, I don't think that they are funny at all. I don't think that planned videos should be allowed on the show, but I guess there is nothing you can do about it. I have three younger sisters so a lot of the things they do are really funny, they always make me laugh when I am around them!
Jonathan says... I love America's Funniest Home Videos. I watch it every sunday night. It's a great and hilarious show.
LaKendra... The first video that really made me laugh was when the little boy went to jump in the pool but landed sitting down on the side of it instead. I think that the best and funniest videos are the ones that are not planned. If someone plans for a funny moment to happen I don't think that it should be able to be on America's Funniest Home Videos.
Jamie says…
Yes I have watched America’s funniest video’s before, but I don’t really remember what my favorite video was. Planned videos should not be allowed, they are not funny because you can tell that they did it on purpose. The funniest thing I find in a child is the faces that they make.
Ernie says........ All the videos were equally funny. I liked them all. And planned or not planned they are fine.
I've watched plenty of these shows and I like so many clips that I can't pick a favorite. The only planned videos that should be allowed on the show are prank videos. Wathcing kids make crazy faces are some of the most funny things I've seen.
Kristin says... I have watched quite a few episodes of America's Funniest Home Videos. My favorite clip was of the little boy getting sprayed in the face. Planned videos aren't as funny as spontaneous ones, and I don't see a problem in them being allowed on America's Funniest Home Videos. The funniest thing I have seen a child do is watch my two year old cousin ride his "motorcycle".
Ashley says... I love watching America's Funniest Home Videos. I liked all the clips they were so funny. I like the one with the baby looking in the book and her eyes wides shaking. I dont think Videos that are planned should be on the show but the comany is not going to know either way. The videos that are not planned are so much better. Theirs more to those videos and they are very realistic. These videos were all cute.
Chris says… I have watched Americas Funnies Home Videos they are very entertaining some of the time. I think planned videos are ok I mean it really doesn’t matter I guess the producers will take anything just so the show can keep going. When I Watch the show I personally like when people get hit it just makes me laugh.
Sheron says…Yes I have watched AFHV and I think planned videos should only be on America’s Funniest Home Videos if it’s really funny. I personally think natural occurrences are funnier than planned ones because no one expects it.
Destiny saids....I love watching America's Funniest Home Videos. I watch it every time I have a chance to. The video is so cute I love babies and toddlers not so much kids. I have a Aunt who is about 7 months pregnant and she having a baby boy :). I can't what to see my new baby cousin.
No, I have never seen America's Funniest Videos. I think some of these videos were planned because it seems highly unlikely to happen to catch funny stuff like that on video. I don't care if they put them on there or not because I don't watch it.
I love AFV; watching it was a family event for me. I don’t think that planned videos should be allowed on AFV. However, some planned videos are not obviously planned. AFV makes me laugh so hard. The funniest thing a child has ever done is when my brother David got his head stuck in a boat window. The worst thing a child has ever done is when my brother Palmer and I were arguing and he pushed me to the floor so I threw a pencil at him and it stuck in his forehead. He still has a scar.
Michael Clifford
Yes, I have watched America's Funniest Home Videos. I didn't really have a favorite clip. I think they are funny when you don't know about it and then see it. I think the funniest thing I seen a child do was my little Cousin would crawl toward me and then when I tried to get him he would crawl backwards.
I seen America funniest video. I haven't really had a favorite episode because i never really watch the show like that. I do not think that planned videos are funny. I say that because they are meaning to make it funny. I never done none funny.
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