Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Life = Risk

Which person's story surprised you most? Explain the statement, "If you've never failed, you've never lived." Has there been a time when a failure in one area of your life paved the way for success? Why do you think we must fail in order to succeed?


Anonymous said...

Sheron says… yes I believe if u do not fail u don’t have the knowledge to succeed. People who succeed have failed plenty of times and by that they learn from their mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Lauren...I was mostly surprised about the story of Walt Whitman. He is well known for his creative accomplishments. For someone to tell him that he lacked imagination and creativity is crazy. That newspaper had to feel very stupid when Walt became so famous. Every person has to fail in order to learn from their mistakes. Success comes from failure in the end.

Thomas said...

Lucille Ball's story impressed me the most, because she seems so outgoing on television. Everyone needs to fail, in order to succeed. After all, what would success be without it's opposite, and how could we learn without having to struggle in vain?

Taylor said...

Tee- I think the story that surprised me the most was The Beatles. In my life, I fail all the time, but you have to lose a little in order to win. Without the bitter feeling of loss, victory wouldn't taste so great.

Sarah said...

The story that surprised me the most would be the story about Michael Jordan. He worked hard enough and became a professional basketball player, showing that he was determined. Failure does lead to success because it allows you to learn from your mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Jamie says…
It surprised me the most that Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. With his skill I would have thought that. I have failed at learning dance moves, but you have to keep trying. I do believe that you have to fail at some point in order to live.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan says... You've never lived if you've never failed. Never passed or acheived till you have tasted failure. Because to achieve and live you must fail to do so.

Anonymous said...

Ashley says... The story of the teacher that told the boy he was stupid. Your not stupid unless you choose to be. That shouldn't have been said but he will try harder! He will learn more and try more to prove to that teacher that he can be successful in anything he does. It's true, if you "Don't fail you never live." Life is about taking chances and trying news things, Your not perfect at everything. The more you fail, the more you learn! You just keep trying harder.

Anonymous said...

Kristin says... The story that surprised me the most was the story about Walt Disney. I can't fathom someone telling him that he doesn't have an original idea. When I first started playing softball I was terrible, but that gave me the drive to go out and try even harder. If you've never failed you won't feel the need to try and better yourself. So you'll just be mediocre at everything you do.

Anonymous said...

LaKendra... I cant believe that Thomas Edison was once told that he was to stupid to learn anything and Micheal Jordan was cut from him school basketball team. But then again, everyone has to start somewhere and was not born great at what they do. It takes a lot of hard work to get there. I think that "If you never failed then you never lived" means that you don't know what it is like to be turned down so you don't know the true great feeling of succeeding. I think that when you fail it makes you drive harder to succeed the next time. You just have to have faith to keep going on. Once you have failed it makes you appreciate success more. Failure is something we all go through.

Anonymous said...

Chris Says… The person that surprised me the most was Michael Jordan when he got cut from his high school basketball team. But the sayings if you have never failed you have never lived just means everyone fails and you need to keep trying to get where you want to be at on top.

Anonymous said...

Robbie says... The story that surprised me was Micheal Jordans. He worked so hard to get to were he is now, a very rich man. Hes got alot of his own brands of shoes. He was good at what he did and thats why hes were he is today.

Anonymous said...

Madi says.. The story about Michael Jordan surprised me the most. Michael Jordan is now one of the best basketball players now, and I can't believe he got cut from his high school basketball team. I think that in order to do better in life we need to learn to fall down and be able to find a way to get ourselves back up.

Anonymous said...

Ernie says........................................................................................... The micheal Jordan story suprised me the most. He is the best player that ever played the game of basketball. And to find out he got cut from his high school team is unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

Downing said... For many of us, to have failed means that we have tried to do things and were not successful, or it caused us to look at ourselves and try again. It can also mean that you are learning new things and that the experiences are contributing to your overall growth. The story that surprised me the most was of Lucy Ball. The rest, I had heard before.

Anonymous said...

Destiny saids...Well I remember when I failed when I was in middle school and I tried out for volleyball. I know that I was going to be good at it because of my height and I was. But I couldn't be there every day and I got cut :(. I was sad cause I real didn't want to play volleyball. But I come over it.

Anonymous said...

Cadeja says: The statement, “If you’ve never failed, you’ve never lived,” basically means that nobody is perfect. Yes, there has been a time in my life where I have failed but it has paved the way for my success and it still is. In order to succeed you must fail so that you can learn from your mistakes the first time around.

Anonymous said...

Jalissa Chambliss
Both of the stories were interesting. Yes there have been many failures in my life. Like they said if you never failed, you never lived. So many think its a bad thing when you fail, but its not. When you fail you can learn from your mistakes.

Jake The Snake said...

Michael Jordan's story surprised me the most. "If you've never failed, you've never lived." means that everyone is not perfect, and its okay to fail sometimes. There has been a few times in my life where I've failed at something. We must fail to succeed because we must learn what it feels like to fail before we can succeed.

Anonymous said...

No story like this would surprise me. Albert Einstein was called an idiot growing up by his teachers, and a "slow learner". Well obviously they were wrong. Would me being kicked out of school count as a fail? Because if that is the case, then that's what I’m going to say.
Gavin Dale

Anonymous said...

The Walt Disney story surprised me the most. In order to be able to succeed you have to at first fail. Nobody can truly enjoy the taste of victory unless they have at first tasted defeat. Failure is the main ingredient of success. Why do heroes always get hurt really bad before beating the bad guy? So they look more heroic and amazing when they rise from the ash and rubble to save mankind.

Michael Clifford

Unknown said...

The story that suprised me the most was finding out that Micheal Jordan was cut from the high school basketball team. I think the statment "If you've never failed, you've never lived" means you gotta go through hard times to get to the good times. I can't remember a time when I had fail to get success.

Holly said...

The story of Michael Jordan surprised me the most, because he is one of the best basketball players ever, I don't understand how he could have gotten cut. The statement "If you've never failed, you've never lived" means that your going to fail in life no matter what. Nobody is perfect or is ever going to be. There have been times when I have failed but I can't really think of them rigth now. :) I think we fail in order to succeed because we can think of the things that we did wrong and learn from it and make yourself better. Life is all about learning and failing. =)