Friday, March 18, 2011

Hit Man

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Describe your reaction to the video. What shocked you most about this story? Could you have "acted" as well as the detective did in that situation? Do you think Susan Williams got the punishment she deserved? Why or why not?


Anonymous said...

Downing says... Wow. It was shocking to see how utterly remorseful Ms. Williams seemed to be. And it chills me to think how this could have affected the children. She seems so flippant about it all. She got 25 years and I am guessing will be about 65 when she is released. It seems fair. Her life, as she knew it, is over. I can not see how another human being could ever trust her. Give that detective an Oscar!

Thomas said...

I can't believe how much this woman was willing to do in order to keep up her "lavish" lifestyle. Even watching her justify it to herself, when she says that he is scum, sickens me. I am glad the detective was able to act so well, as there is absolutely no way she can get out of being convicted, and someone such as her does not deserve parole.

Taylor said...

Tee- I thought just the pure fact that Williams was acting so casual about killing her husband was the most shocking aspect of it. In the detective's situation, I may have had trouble keeping a straight face. I think that Susan Williams did get the exact punishment she deserved; you can't conspire to kill someone and expect to get away with it with less than 25 years.

Matt said...

What shocked me the most was the fact that someone could actually take it upon themselves to have their spouse killed. If I had been the detective, I feel that the pressure would be something extraordinary. Being calm in that sort of situation would be so incredibly difficult. She completely got what she deserved.

Anonymous said...

Robbie says.. That lady is crazy to order a hit man on her husband. What shocked me the most that is she actually wanted to kill her husband. I would hate to have someone to put a hit on me, it would suck.

Anonymous said...

Jamie says..
I am completely shocked by this woman. Why would she ask someone to kill her husband? I just don’t understand. Who knows, she could have had a better life. This woman is crazy!

Anonymous said...

Ernie says..... It was shocking to see how serious this woman was about killing this man. She is nothing but a gold digger. She should've atleast got 60 years in prison.

Anonymous said...

Lauren says...I don't understand how Susan Williams could simply want her husband dead after she had been with him for nearly 20 years. It is shocking to believe that people actually have the mind set to not care if they kill someone else. The detective did an amazing job at acting out the part and realizing the seriousness of the situation. Susan Williams did deserve to get 25 years. What she did was wrong and no one will be able to trust her ever again. Her life will never return to the way it was.

Anonymous said...

LaKendra... That is insane that she would want to kill her husband ! It is clear that she has a problem because a normal person would not try to hire a hit man to kill her husband just because they were getting a divorce. How could she do that knowing that they had children together. I wonder if she ever stopped to think of how it would effect the children and what she would tell them. The whole situation is crazy and I believe that she got what she deserved.

Lilli said...

I think that it was stupid, because she should have just divoirced him, and just risk losing everything. Trying to hire a hitman to kill him just made things worse. i think she got the punishment that she deserved.

Sarah said...

I was shocked with what the woman would do just to keep her relaxed lifestyle. The detective did a great job with keeping his composure. The woman got what she deserved but I think her sentence could've been longer because she knew it was wrong yet she still proceeded with the hitman.

Anonymous said...

Chris says… My reaction to the video is that, I think it was stupid on her part to try and hire an hit man to kill her husband just because she wanted to keep her house. I probably would have acted the same way as the detective did. I think she got what she deserved cause of what she did was really out of line.

Anonymous said...

Kristin... What shocked me the most was how she could ask someone to kill a man she was married to for twenty years, and not feel anything about it. I wouldn't have been able to do what that detective did. I don't think she got the punishment she deserved. Someone that can hire a hit man to kill their spouse and feel absolutely nothing is insane and needs to be locked away forever!

Anonymous said...

Ashley says... I think it's weird. Ms.Willams is awful. Just because you get a divorce, it's no need to kill him. The divorce would have to settle out everything, but she's selfish. Her children are going to grow up knowing their mother was horrible and will never trust her. I think it's very sneaky how that guy got her to open up on camera and tell them everything. It saved her husband's life. It's really scary to think about that. She deserves the sentence she got. No one will ever trust her and she will be known as the killer woman, who wanted everything to herself and wanted people in her life gone! I would never be able to be around that person or anybody like that ever.

Anonymous said...

Sheron says…I think hiring a hit man to kill her husband is a little dramatic. If she didn’t want to be with him she should have at least made it look like it was accident that he died, but it was probably the most logical way to go without making it seem like she was behind the whole thing

Anonymous said...

Cadeja says: What shocked me the most about this story is everything. No, I could not have acted as well as the detective did in this situation because I feel like how could you possibly sit there and pretend like you’re a hit man for somebody who wants her own husband dead. I understand that she wants a divorce but there is no reason for her to take it as far as she did. I believe that this woman is insane and she deserves whatever punishment they decide to give her. Wanting anyone dead is a very big deal. So you have to think what if she really did get away with it and how long would have her sentence have been then. Twenty five years is a long time to spend behind bars but I believe that her sentence should be for life.

Jake The Snake said...

I think its pretty crazy how someone would hire a hit man to kill someone. It was crazy how she turned really ugly looking while being in jail. I think I could have pulled off acting as well as the detective. I think she got the punishment she deserved because she tried to get her husband killed.

Anonymous said...

This actually did not shock me that much. I woman wanting her husband dead so she can gain more is actually quite normal. If you ask anyone that knows me they will say I could act as well as the detective. Whatever she gets is too good for her. At least she doesn’t have to pay for her home anymore

Michael Clifford

Holly said...

This is terrible! I was shocked that she wanted to hire someone to kill her husband. I couldn't have acted the way the detective did, I would have started laughing or couldn't be serious. I think that she should have got longer, she was so close to killing her husband. This woman is crazy for doing something liike this she should have just divorced him if she hated him that bad.

Anonymous said...

Definitely doesn't surprise me. I’ve said plenty of times that this is the world we live in. The most shocking part of this video to me is the extremely small upfront payment. If I was a hit-man I would have asked for at least a ten thousand dollar front. In my opinion the detective did a terrible acting job. I would have noticed it when he continually asked me to tell him what I wanted. That is a sure fire way to give yourself up, but I guess she’s stupid.
Gavin Dale

Unknown said...

Really the whole thing is shocking cause how could you want to kill your husband or wife. The most shocking thing is the way she don't even really give it no thought and really want to do it and then say she won't fell bad about it at all. I think I could act like the detective did because I know I could actually save his life. Yes, I think she got the punishment she deserved because she was setting up murder. I'm also glad that she didn't really get nothing out of the divorce.

brittneyhendrix1993 said...

Its really sad when a woman feels like she needs to kill her husband because the talk of a divorse. Its sick knowing that people in this world feel like they need to kill over something thats usally verry stupid. I think that this lady got what she deserved