Former Saturday Night Live star Victoria Jackson is taking on the television show Glee. In this video she makes several comments about the show:
Do you agree or disagree with her? Does she have the right to criticize Glee or should she just keep quiet? Would CNN have been interested in publishing the opinions of an ordinary person concerning Glee, or does she get the air time because she is a star?
Do you watch Glee? What did you think of the kissing scene?
Ernie sAYS......................................................................................................................................................... I do agree with her. Nobody in this world should be gay. Everyone was born STRAIGHT and thats how it should stay.
Madi says... I really like the show Glee, and I used to watch it all the time. I do not agree with her. I think that she should just keep quiet.
I don't watch Glee so I don't have an opinion on the show. She has the right to speak freely about whatever she wants. The skit was pretty funny so maybe people shouldn't feel so personally attcked if they like the show. They should look at it from a humorous view point. I don't think the news put her up because she's famous because a lot of people don't even know who she is. I don't mind the kissing scene because I don't think it's a big deal.
Robbie says.. I think GLEE is funny. My mom watches it all the time. The kiss was weird but if ur gay ur gay owell, noone can tell you wheather your gay or not I dont see what it matters if you are or not.
Lauren...I watch Glee every week!!! I do not agree with Victoria Jackson. The show has their own right to air what they believe in. The fact of homosexuality is previewed on other shows and people do not disagree with them. I do not see any connection between the Bible and Glee. I have never thought that Victoria Jackson was the most sophisticated person. People are gay in today's world and there is no difference between it happening in real life and it being viewed on television.
I disagree with what Victoria Jackson had to say about the kiss. She does have the right to her opnion, but not to criticize the kiss and the gay kids like that. Just because a person is gay, does not make them any different from everybody else. And jbeing gay, does not make someone wrong, and does not go againist Cristian bliefs. Because Christians beleieve in loviing people, no matter who they are or what is wrong with hem.
I think the lady is undoubtedly homophobic. She is actually hilarious with her arguments, stringing together useless information with reckless abandon. She did a better job lampooning and parodying her own cause than anyone on the other side could ever do.
Jamie says…
She should just stay quiet. Her opinion is her opinion. I’m sure that people feel the same way as her. Her opinion about this and the way she feels about the bible should not be made public. I personally don’t watch Glee, it’s not a type of show that I enjoy.
Matt: I think this lady is slightly retarded. I can hardly see where her argument is at all. How does showing this scene push children away from Jesus? How does this video prove that Liberals are the anti-Christ? I think in saying all she said, she mainly pushed people AWAY from her cause rather than for it; but like I said, you can't blame her because I feel that she is slightly mentally challenged.
Ashley says... I use to watch Glee but now I don't. I think the show has gone to far but it's your choice to watch it or not. If she feels offened or don't like she dosen't need to watch it! It can be both she is human but she is a star also. I can understand if it bothers her because it bothers me but she needs to keep it to herself. Christians do not need to get mocked. It's not right. I personally don't think people should be gay and I think it's wrong! The kissing scene was gross and nasty. Sorry if that hurt anyone! But it's the truth!
Chris says… I don’t watch the show Glee but I do disagree with the girl in the video cause she doesn’t know what she is talking about. I think they shouldn’t have gay kissing stuff on shows because it puts out a bad message and we really don’t need to see all that. But they’re going to do whatever they want because it’s all about the money.
Destiny saids.... Well I don't have a big problem with gay things or people cause I do have a family member who does go both ways. But I don't need to be a around it I really don't like gay girls they can of scare me. It seems like they have this thing about them that I dont like, their nice but I dont like it. Now with boys I don't have a problem with them.They seem to be nice, they care,they listen to what you have to say and they are very helpful when you trying to pick out a outfit. lol n_n
LaKendra... I think that it is okay for Victoria Jackson to have her own opinion and voice them but she should not be taking it this far. If she does not like
Glee because of this then she must not watch a lot of television. There are many things that go on in television that go against what the bible says, and some of those things are much worse than exposing gay activity. She actually made her self sound stupid because she did not support her argument well at all and even said that she has gay friends. I wonder how they feel about her publicly going out against this. She needs to accept the fact that everyone has different views, because if she sat around blogging and complaining about everything that was against the bible that happens on t.v. then she would never end.
Tee- I disagree with Victoria Jackson completely. She has the right to criticize Glee and gays, but it is very irritating to see that such a whiny, unintelligent person is getting TV time. I think she must have only got TV time because she's famous. I don't watch Glee, but I completely support the gay kissing scene. People need to get over themselves and finally accept something that will NOT go away. Homosexuality has been around since the beginning of time. It's not going anywhere, so deal with it instead of complaining about it.
Kristin says... I don't watch Glee, so I don't know anything about the show. When I'm watching tv I personally don't want to see a gay couple kissing, but I'm not going to freak out and make critical comments over it. She has the right to criticize Glee, just like anyone else can criticize Glee. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. She only got air time because she is a star, and she should have made her arguement more clear and to the point.
I don't really have an opinion about it. I think she has the right to say what ever she feels. She gets in because shes famous. I don't watch Glee. I think it was disturbing.
No, I don't watch Glee. The kissing part was fine because everybody is themselves. I strongly disagree with her. I don't think she should have took it this far. I think she got air because she is a star. It was nothing but a acting scene. If people or kids or whatever don't see it on television but they gone see it in the streets or somewhere.
I disagee with her 100%. She has no right to criticize Glee. She needed to mind her own buisness. People are people gay or not. If thats who you are that is all you. Why should it matter if your gay or not. I dont watch Glee how ever i think that it should be know. The reason i feel like that is because thats the real world many people are gay. No one should have any say in that. If your against gay people budout and get over it the fact some people are actually happy with the same sex.
I have never watched Glee. I have to disagree with her, because if your gay then your gay. I think that she should have just kept quiet, because like she said she has gay friends, so why is she trying to make a big fuss about a t.v. show kiss. It just doesn't make any sense. I think that she was just getting time because she is a star. I thought that it was weird but it would be just as weird if you saw it in person.
Homosexuality occurs in the same instances in the wild as in the human population. If it happens in NATURE then obviously it's NATURal. See the connection there? I'm going to say something that might make people really mad at me, but here it goes... The bible was written by a bunch of hypocrites and liars!!! It was written by men, and men lie. DEAL WITH IT. Besides it really doesn't matter, we're all going to die one day so why must we impose on other people's lives?!?!?! Do not pass judgment on others less you be judged yourself, is that not in the bible? If you're going to put that much belief into one section on the bible then you can't ignore the other parts, that's called being a freaking hypocrite, and guess what... THAT'S ALSO FROWNED UPON IN THE BIBLE!!!!! In the end, people just need to shut the **** and mind there own business!
Gavin Dale
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