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Describe your reaction to the disaster that happened in Japan last Friday. How long do you think it will take Japan to rebuild? What are some things we could do to help? Experts warn that disaster in California may be next. How would you respond to the warnings if you lived in California?
Downing said... Wow, this is amazing. The damage will take years to repair. I am not even sure that one can put any kind of monetary value on all the damage. Japan has been able to repair and get past the damages from both man-made and natural disasters many times in its history. While a lot of that is due to the spirit and hard work of the Japanese people, The United States was a major help in the months and years after the Second World War. I am glad to see us offering so much help, including that of the military.
If I lived in California, I would want to make sure that my residence was up to the latest earthquake building codes. But, I would also consider moving!
Robbie says.. I think it's pretty crazy that this has happend. I watched them display it on the news. They also showed the whirlpool that was caused by the earthquake. The earthquake was big enough that it moved earth of its axis. It also moved japan 8ft closer to the eastcoast!
Jonathan says... It is crazy that they had a humongous earthquake and are still having aftershocks. And they had a bad scare for a nuclear meltdown. There was a gigantic whirlpool
My initial reaction to the earthquake was a sad feeling because now there are more people dead than living in Japan. This country will take years to completely recover from this natural disaster but the process could speed up with the help of other nations. Citizens have the chance to donate money to charities that rescue the victims and help rebuild. If I lived in California, I would evacuate as soon as possible.
The disaster in Japan was heartbreaking. I believe that it will take Japan a rather long period of time to rebuild from the disaster. The only thing that we can do to help is to continue sending our volunteers to offer aid to the injured and to those in need. My family knows some people that are working for the shipyard in Japan and it was horrifying to not know if they were safe. All of them are fine but they are unable to escape the madness. If I lived in California and heard of the news of a possible reoccurence I would move as quickly as possible to the farthest destination. I would be far too afraid to remain in California.
Madi says... I was shocked when I heard about what happened in Japan and i feel really bad for all the people there that are going through that. I think it will take Japan years to clean up that mess. If I lived in California and experts said that I would be moving.
Lauren says...Mine begins with, "The disaster in Japan was heartbreaking."
Ernie says… this is really disastrous. It will take many years for Japan to recover from this. If I lived in California I would definitely move from there.
It was really creepy, because at midnight my dog kept barking and waking me up, so i was aimlessly surfing the internet when this happened. I think Japan will rebuild quickly, they are incredibly industrious as a society, and they had numerous safeguards in place. If anyone can come out of this earthquake well, it is Japan.
Destiny saids...Oh My Gosh I dont believe it. All my life a wanted to go to Japan and now this. Its terrible how all those people had lost all of there thing and maybe thier loved ones. I don't what else to say about it. I just hope they find hope and help.
Tee- I think it's completely horrible what happened to Japan. I think it will take them a couple of years to rebuild, and I hope they can do it as soon as possible. If I was living in California, I would seriously consider moving inland for a while with friends or family.
Chris Says… It’s kind of shocking when you think of what happened last Friday in Japan because of the Tsunami that hit them. I hope they can rebuild but I’m sure other nations such as the US will help them out. If I lived in California, and they were giving us warnings about a Tsunami that was going to hit us I would, make sure I’m ready when it hits so I don’t get washed away and have the proper supplies when it hits.
LaKendra.. I was very concerned about what happened in Japan because I have family that lives over there. Luckily they were not apart of the area that was hit. Japan will have a lot of work to do to rebuild, and I think that it will take many years to do so. If anything happens in California hopefully they will be well prepared and people will be able to do whatever they can to help save themselves.If California is hit I fell that it will also effect everyone else in the US, putting them in shock just to know that something like that happened so close.
Ashley says... I was very shocked to hear of what happen in Japan when I woke up. To have a 9.0 earthquake, that is so scary. I felt bad for all those people. It would take years or a very long time to rebulid what was destroyed. Houses, cars, any anything in the path of the waves was carried and destroyed. People lost their homes and will have to rebuild. People are still dying now because they dont have fresh water or food and have no where to go. This earthquake is the 5th biggest in the world! The only thing we can do is bring people to help rescue them and lead them to safer places and raise money for them. People in the U.S have people that are stationed or live in Japan and need help. I think it will happen to California becuase they have earthquakes and they are on uneven plates. If I lived their, I would move. I couldn't wait any longer, to see what would happen. I would move to a safer state or to a safer ground. I would be so scared to go through what Japan just went through.
Cadeja says: I was shocked when I heard about what happened to Japan. I believe it will take a while to rebuild Japan because you have so much damage caused by both an earthquake and a tsunami. We could help them by sending supplies that they will need such as medical supplies, clothes, food, water, etc. If I lived in California and scientists predicted a disaster similar to the one in Japan could happen I would be scared but at the same time I would just be ready to evacuate California permanently.
I think it was really crazy how big the tsunami was. It looks like it will take a long time for Japan to rebuild. I don't know what we can do to help them, except sending them food. I think California is probably going to get hit next.
I am truly sorry for Japan. My prayers got to those who lost people in there family. It would take them forever to rebuild. We can donate food to them. If there was a disaster in California i would advise people to get away now.
Oh my God, this is terrible! It's going to take years to rebuild Japan. Some things we can do would probably send them food and other things that would help them survive. If I lived in California and heard warning I would leave as soon as I heard it. It's terrible what these places have been through, I could never imagine these things happening to us.
It is terrible what happened to Japan. It seems as though Japan cannot catch a break with destruction; starting with the atomic bombs in World War II. I can think of nothing we can do to help. If California is hit next then we as a nation are screwed. The only upside to the possibility of California being hit is Charlie Sheen will no longer be winning.
Michael Clifford
My reaction to the disaster was like I was so shocked I wished that wouldn't have happened. I think it will take some years to repair the damages. We could donate money at stores like they do for everything else. Also, we can have a food drive for them and send everything over to them. If I was in California and heard that news I would pack up and go stay with family or something like that.
What happened in Japan is basically shocking. It will probably take Japan years to rebuild. There are many things we can do to help as a country, but should we? I think we are in enough trouble ourselves, and no one is coming to our aid. And if people kept warning me about disaster and they have scientific proof I think I'd get the H out.
Gavin Dale
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